Home page: Picture with police officers in front of screens

Welcome to the Online Police Station of the Police NRW

The online police station of the police NRW enables you to contact the police digitally.

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Police Station Finder

Find a nearby police station easily in the station finder.

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Questions and answers

The most important questions and answers about the online police station.

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How can we help you?

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Latest information from the North Rhine-Westphalia police

Follow us on our social media pages.

On the social media pages of the Police in North Rhine-Westphalia you will find current operations and general information as well as insights into our daily work.

Warning app „NINA“

From the Federal Office of Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance.

With the emergency information and messaging app, or NINA for short, you receive important warning messages from civil protection for various hazardous situations such as the spread of hazardous substances or a major fire.