Your feedback is important to us

Were you satisfied with the work of the North Rhine-Westphalia police? Was there cause for complaint? Then please let us know.

Your feedback is very important to us in order to improve our daily work. We appreciate your recognition. It shows us that we are doing our job right for your safety. Every well-founded complaint is considered constructive criticism and contributes to maintaining a high standard of quality in the performance of police duties.

If you were satisfied with a police action or the behavior of a police employee, you can inform any police authority informally - in writing or verbally. Likewise, any person, even one who is not directly affected, can contact any police authority informally - in writing or verbally - with a complaint. In any case, you will receive a response. In a qualified complaint management, your concern will be examined and the further necessary steps to clarify the facts will be initiated.

Complaint Management Police Authorities A-Z

If you would like to send your praise or complaint in writing by e-mail, you can contact the complaints department of any police department at the following e-mail address: