Instructions before applying for a small arms license

Below you will find information before applying for a small firearms license to carry alarm, gas and signal weapons and on the application procedure.

Before applying for a small firearms license or acquiring a gas, alarm or signal weapon, you should ask yourself whether you really need such a weapon or whether you want to carry it in public. This is because carrying involves significant dangers. The carrier is often not aware of this.

  • The mentioned weapons mostly look like sharp weapons. Often they are indistinguishable from such, which may lead to uncontrolled action by outsiders.
  • Untrained gun carriers can endanger themselves or injure bystanders in extremely stressful situations; at close range, they can even cause life-threatening injuries.
  • When using irritant gases from spray cans, alarm guns with tear gas cartridges and spray devices built into flashlights or batons, as well as approved defensive sprays, wind direction and strength play a major role.
  • The amount of irritant gas is often insufficient.
  • The foggy effect can turn against the victim if not used properly, causing tear blindness..
  • Irritant gas is not suitable for use in enclosed spaces, including passenger cars.

Important to know:

The carrying of such PTB weapons at public events (e.g. demonstrations, meetings, sporting events, theater, cinema or concert visits) is generally prohibited.

Contrary to popular belief, it is also prohibited to shoot with them on New Year's Eve/New Year's Day - certainly not with pyrotechnic ammunition (flares often included).