Anyone affected by a crime can file a criminal report with any police station, the public prosecutor's office or the court. This can also be done digitally/online via the online police station. The police are legally obligated to investigate the facts of the case and thus also to receive the report.

Filing a criminal report is important! Because without knowledge of the crime, the police and the public prosecutor's office cannot take action. As a result, the crime cannot be investigated and solved, the perpetrator remains undetected, unpunished and he or she can continue to commit crimes. By filing a criminal report, you protect yourself and others!

You can file a criminal report with the police in different ways:

  • Online here via the online police station.
  • Alternatively, on site at a police station, by phone, in writing by mail.

In case of emergency: Dial 110!

Call the emergency number 110 if you need the help of the police:

  • Because you feel threatened, in danger or exposed to a crime that requires police intervention. 
  • If you observe others getting into such situations.
  • If you miss a person who you cannot safely rule out as being in a helpless situation or in danger. 

Always contact the police immediately in the case of missing children.

Required information

Pursuant to Section 77b of the German Criminal Code (StGB), criminal offences may only be prosecuted if the injured party or his or her legal representative files a criminalreport in writing or on the record of a court or public prosecutor's office. The criminal complaint must be filed by the end of a period of three months. You can find a list of the offenses for which a complaint may be filed here.

All information complete? This is how it continues:

File a report online

Here you can send us your report via our online form.

Victim protection and counseling services

Victims, relatives and all other people in the social environment who have been affected by a crime need quick, uncomplicated and comprehensive advice and support. 

You can find information on the most important topics in the area of victim assistance and victim protection here: I am a victim of a crime