In case of emergency: Dial 110!

Call the emergency number 110 if you need the help of the police:

Because you feel threatened, are in danger or are exposed to a crime that requires police intervention. Or if you observe others getting into such situations.

Police offers

Policewoman calms down a crying citizen

Information on police victim protection and counseling services

Victims, relatives and all other people in the social environment who have been affected by a crime need fast, uncomplicated and comprehensive advice and support. A wide range of information is available on the most important topics in the area of victim assistance and victim protection.

Here you can obtain information on your rights as a victim, the possibilities of victim compensation and further information on the course of criminal proceedings: Information on Police Victim Protection

Victim protection portal

You or someone you know has been a victim of violence or crime? This portal helps you find suitable support and counseling services.

In the North Rhine-Westphalia victim protection portal, you can find numerous points of contact in your area as well as other helpful background information.

Interpreter desired?

You do not speak or understand the German language confidently and would like assistance with the translation?  Then contact a police station directly or ask someone to tell us what you want to report and what language you speak.

Filing a criminal charges

Filing a criminal charges is important! Because without knowledge of the crime, the police and the public prosecutor's office cannot take action. Accordingly, by filing a criminal charge, you protect yourself and others!