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In urgent cases, please dial the police emergency number 110

Every police authority in NRW has its own control center where emergency calls are answered. Experienced police officers are on the phone there around the clock.

The police, fire department and rescue services can all be reached via app in emergency situations - "nora" makes it possible.

Emergency fax for people with speech / hearing impairments

Most authorities have set up special fax numbers to which people with speech/hearing impairments can send a fax in an emergency. You can download a form here. These faxes are treated by the control centers in the same way as an emergency call.

File a criminal report and provide hints

If you need police assistance, want to file a report or give a tip-off, please contact a police station. Your police can be contacted via the local landline numbers, by fax and on site at the police stations.

Telephone numbers and addresses can be found in the overview of your local police.

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